Is your content being stolen?

A current trend comes with “content creators” taking pieces of actual content creator’s work and piecing it together to make “new” content. Know that this is theft, plagiarism, and illegal by copyright law.

As a client of DMCA Wizard, you will have direct email access to your rep so you can send links anytime you see them.

We will go into action to force the stolen content down. With legal acumen by your side, platforms are bound by law to remove the content.

Together, we will stop this angle of grifting on creator content.

A Watchful Eye on Your Creations

Our team will comb through the digital expanse, pinpointing rogue sites displaying your treasured works without permission. Additionally, we’ll identify search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others that may inadvertently guide potential buyers to these unauthorized copies. Your craft deserves respect, and we’re here to ensure it’s honored.

Ensuring Genuine Protection for Your Works: 

Our dedicated team will meticulously review each identified link, making certain that every takedown notice we issue is both valid and justified. Your creations are invaluable, and we’re committed to guarding them with precision and care.

Guarding Your Creator Legacy

Once we’ve diligently confirmed unauthorized content, we spring into action, dispatching takedown notices to website proprietors, hosting platforms, and search engines. Your creations are paramount to your legacy, and we act swiftly to ensure their sanctity.

Keeping You in the Loop

Each month, we’ll share a detailed account of our vigilant efforts to shield your work. From pinpointed sites and URLs to the protective measures we’ve employed, we will keep you informed and assured of the safety of your literary treasures.

Our pricing

Our pricing structure is built to be affordable for everyone!

Up to 10 Works

$150 / month

Up to 25 Works

$300/ month

Up to 50 Works

$450/ month

Custom Pricing

For creators with over 50 works of content, please contact us for a personalized service quote.

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