What is a DMCA Notice?

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A DMCA Takedown is when content is removed from a website or internet platform at the request of the owner of the content. The DMCA Takedown is a well-established and accepted internet standard followed by website owners and internet service providers everywhere.

Your right to process: Any owner of content has the right to process a takedown notice against a website owner and/or an Online Service Provider (e.g. ISP, hosting company etc.) if the content owner’s property is found online without their permission.

Note: Although the DMCA is part of US Copyright law, a DMCA Takedown does not always require the content to be copyrighted in order to process a takedown notice or for the content to be taken down by the website owner or OSP.

Simply stated: The fact that the content is yours, or if the subject in the photo or video is you, can be reason enough to process a takedown notice and for the content to be taken down.

Global Takedowns: Any country who is a part of the EU is subject to copyright laws and DMCA takedown notices.

For the most part, DMCA notices are responded to positively, and the site removes the content. Occassionally we get in a kerfuffle, but rest-assured, we are always in it for the long-haul.

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2 responses to “What is a DMCA Notice?”

  1. The Fine Line: Copyright Issues in Piecing Together Others’ Content – DMCA Wizard Avatar

    […] DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) company specializes in protecting the intellectual property […]

  2. Landmark DMCA Takedown Wins – DMCA Wizard Avatar

    […] the digital age, intellectual property is as valuable as tangible assets. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), a cornerstone of digital rights management, plays a pivotal role in protecting creators’ […]

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